Obama tours a Fastener Company that Creates Parts for Wind Turbines
Saturday, January 17, 2009
President-Elect Barack Obama traveled to Bedford Heights, Ohio near Cleveland to tour Cardinal Fastener & amp: Specialty Inc., which is a fairly company that manufactures unique screws and bolts that are used in commercial construction wind turbines. Just after Obama won the funds to supply his economic plan, he came to Ohio to use the company as a model of economic and environment success. As most companies are having difficulty staying afloat, this company is actually growing, and it underlines the need to create permanent green energy jobs, that will be an investment to stir up the economy.
According to Obama, the Stimulus plan would create 459,000 jobs in the energy industry. With just a few days to go before he becomes President, he is actively promoting his policies, even before he becomes President. He is very determined in doing what must be done to create jobs and help the faltering economy. It appears that Obama may need upwards to $825 million to get things done they way he wants to, and the next time that he tried to get Congress to approve the last $125 Billion for use in his plan, he will face stiff opposition from the Republicans, who are especially not happy with how the first $350 million has been spent.
Republicans expected the first allocation of the money would partly be used to help people secure loans at banking institutions. Instead, the money has been used to help companies stay afloat and the banks have yet to see a substanial amount of money to help borrowers.
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