Focus on Renewable Energy to Create Jobs
Friday, January 30, 2009
At it again, in office less than 2 weeks, President Obama is now focusing on renewable energy along with stricter emissions standards. At the same time, he claims that renewable energy opportunities will afford the country approximately 460,000 new jobs through clean energy investments, creating more fuel efficient vehicles and at the same time, cut down on greenhouse gas emissions.
As Obama visions into the future, he is hoping that at least 25% of America's energy will be a result of renewable energy sources by the year 2025. In his economic stimulus plan, President Obama plans to invest $150 billion to help private companies acquire new sources of clean energy, including wind, solar and geothermal power.
The question posing the president now is even if the economic recovery plan passes and he has all the money he thinks he needs, will he truly have enough, or will he be asking for more money later? Inflation definitely has a big part of it, but with the failing economy, inflation may not be a real factor anymore, at least not until the economy gets better. Usually, 'supply and demand' plays a big part in inflation. For example, the housing market is overstocked with homes needed to sell, but the demand for buying them has greatly diminished, mainly because of people loosing jobs, and they just do not have enough money to buy homes, let alone keep what they already have. So with these facts in mind, you would think that the President wouldn't need more than $150 billion to accomplish his goals. But moving on in the 21st century, and a need to stay dominant in the world as a world leader, the United States wants to set an example.
People always question government spending, especially if it involves tax dollars, and spending that would directly affect us. Some people say that renewing energy would be too expensive. But to become a leader in the energy field, the United States needs to learn how to export our technologies, instead of continuing to be a follower by importing resources like oil.
Again, there will be lots of opposition because of the initial expense to achieve goals with renewable energy. It will be very interesting to see in the coming months, prior to the end of 2009, the accomplishments of this President even with the passing of the Economic Stimulus Package.
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