Jay Carney - Top on the List To Be Named New White House Press Secretary
Thursday, January 27, 2011
ust as there were changes made to Congress with the addition of several Republican Senators in the House, the President has also elected to clean his own house, starting off by naming Jay Carney the new White House Press Secretary. His tenure as Press Secretary should begin tomorrow, as he will be replacing outgoing Press Secretary Robert Gibbs. There were other names tossed into the hat for the position, namely Bill Burton, Stephanie Cutter, Josh Earnest, and Jen Psaki. But insider news seems to think that Jay Carney is the present frontrunner for the job. The announcement of the new appointment could be made public as soon as today.
Other changes will be for the President's senior advisor, David Axelrod and deputy chief of staff Jim Messina. They alread have new positions waiting them, as they both, headed by Messina will head to Chicago for roles in the 2012 re-election campaign. Others, to be confirmed by tommorw will be reported after their tenure in their new position starts. Jay Carney was a former Time magazine reporter and knows several people who are close to the President. Carney also handled the somewhat difficult job of being communications director for a Vice President who on occasion has isue with, well, communications. Further announcements will be known by tomorrow.
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