A Desire of President Obama - To have Every Child in America Attend College
Saturday, February 28, 2009
There were so many points or so called objectives that President Obama wants to achieve as our President, one being to have every American to pursue some form of education beyond high school. Why? because currently, only two of every five American adults have a two or a four year college degree. One out of every four high school students drop out. To make it increasingly difficult, not even a high school diploma is no guarantee that a student is ready for college. Many low-income and minority students say that their intentions are to attend college. But only 50% of these students actually enroll. Even when they enroll are less likely to get their 'YES', but the high schools today need to get help in preparing EVERY CHILD to further their studies in college. The schools should prepare every student to advance to college, instead of just choosing those who appear to have the intellect and desire to go to college now. For his goal to be realistic, low-income and minority students need to attend college and actually get degrees. In today's world, a high school diploma is not enough to compete in the business and job markets of today. People with just high school diplomas have less than a 50-50 chance to be able to live a comfortable life in the average society in the United States. That is a shocking statistic, but it is so very important that children attending high school, do what it is necessary to get up to speed and enter college. Once qualified to attend college, the colleges should take up more responsibility to make their schools more affordable and focus on getting students in their doors, and helping them graduate with a degree of their choice.
every people have to go to get knowledge
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