"Because of what we did" instead of "Yes, we can" Promising to cut the fiscal deficit in half by 2013.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
In another bold statement, Barack Obama pledges to cut the fiscal deficit in half by 2013. With his overwhelming spending within just a month of taking office, President Obama signed a $787 billion Economic Stimulus Bill, but still, claims that he will cut the deficit. This is a very interesting statement, leaving him very prone to Conservative comments, as this would mean that he doesn't plan to spend any more money between now and then. How could that be possible? With this announcement, Presidet Obama is trying to keep alive one of his campaign pledges, which was to roll back the tax cuts that were made by George W. Bush. One thing is for sure, President Obama intends to make it twice as hard for a possible Republican president to unravel his thinking and actions if Obama fails and looses his bid for re-election in 2012. After all, I guess it is fair after considering what President Bush left Obama to deal with when he left office.
Regardless of what he says about the fiscal deficit, President Obama plans to move forward with health care, energy and education. This was confirmed by Obama's senior advisor David Axelrod, as Axelrod says "These are the bulwark of a strong economy moving forward."
In his very busy schedule these days, President Obama gave his weekly address to the nation, and he outlined what the stimulus package and the home foreclosure plan can do to turn the economy around. In his very positive message to the people, he changed his campaign message of 'yes we can' to 'because of what we did', as President Obama outlines some of the highlights and benefits of the Economic Stimulus bill that has just been passed. Watch his video below..
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