Ron Kirk - another Obama nominiee that Owes Taxes Most Likely to be Confirmed
Monday, March 2, 2009
Still another tax scandal in Washington, now devours another one of Obama's nominees to be the U.S. trade representative. This time it is former Dallas, Texas mayor Ron Kirk, who is said to owe around $10,000 in taxes. Going through someone's taxes is always the rule of the day when you are nominated for a high office in Washington D.C. It is part of President Obama's 'Accountability' clause that all government officials that head towards Obama's Cabinet must face. The '05, '06, '07 tax returns were audited and it was discovered that he failed to report income totaling $37,750 when he spoke in at least 16 speaking engagements at Austin College for those three years. To make a long story short, he has agreed to pay $9,975 in amounts that he owes in amended returns.Why does President Obama want this man in particular for this job? White House spokesman Labolt says "The president nominated Mayor Kirk because of his proven ability at the negotiating table -- building consensus between opposing stakeholders in Dallas and crafting deals to create opportunities for U.S. businesses overseas," Labolt said. But at least this time the nominee Kirk, has the proper support for his nomination as Senator Max Baucus, Democrat from Montana and also the chairman of the Finance Committee, supports his nomination. He says "Mayor Kirk is the right person for this job, and I will work to move his nomination quickly. I am confident he can successfully restore the confidence of Congress and the American people in a balanced international trade agenda," said Baucus. "I look forward to his testimony before the Finance Committee next week."
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