New Health and Human Services Secretary - Governor Kathleen Sebelius
Monday, March 2, 2009
President Obama introduced his latest choice of Health and Human Services Secretary. Kathleen Sebelius has now accepted his nomination of her as the head of the Department of Health and Human Services. Originally, Tom Daschle was the initial pick of Obama, but now it seems that there is an issue that she must overcome, and it definitely is not about her qualifications. It appears centered around the issue of abortion. The Catholic community, led by the Catholic League President Bill Donohue believes that her nomination is disturbing because she can directly affect the abortion policy. He calls her an "enemy of the unborn." Some Catholics acknowledge that she took several steps in her state to lower the abortion rate in Kansas. The following is a direct quote from Governor Kathleen Sebelius.
"My Catholic faith teaches me that all life is sacred, and personally I believe abortion is wrong," she said then. "However, I disagree with the suggestion that criminalizing women and their doctors is an effective means of achieving the goal of reducing the number of abortions in our nation."
Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann of Kansas City, claims that her beliefs have "grave spiritual and moral consequences."
It seems that no matter who President Obama nominates, there almost always seems to be a fight to get the nomination passed in the Senate.
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