Obama to meet with President Asif Ali Zardari and President Hamid Karzai in Washington today
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Today President Obama meets with two leaders visiting in Washington, Afghan President Hamid Karzai and Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari. Discussions should center around the topic of the Taliban, as both countries are plagued with the insurgence of this extremist/radical group of killers and murderers. Both leaders will talk at the State Department, FBI, CIA and on Capitol Hill. Unlike President Bush, Obama wants to build an enduring regional alliance with both countries. In Pakistan's Swat Valley, the government's recent peace deal with militants pushing for the establishment of strict Islamic law went awry, allowing the Taliban to advance within 60 miles of the capital, Islamabad. The government's initial inaction prompted Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to accuse Islamabad of abdicating to terrorists. Obama also expressed concern about the fragility of Zardari's government.
So what can the U.S. Government do to help the cause of ridding the countries of the Taliban? Lately, every decision made in Washington has had a price tag, and in this case, there is no exception. Obama is now asking Congress to quickly approve hundreds of millions of dollars in emergency aid to help the Pakistanis combat the insurgency and is supporting a $7,5 billion civilian aid package over the next five years. One concern here is the plausibility of Pakistani forces aiding the Taliban, which Obama would not support. So if there was money given to help eradicate the extremists, it would be with a condition that the Pakistani's stop or not pursue aiding the Taliban.
The existing problems are very serious in the Middle East, but adding the fact that President Obama plans to send troops to Afghanistan soon to eradicate Al-Queda, no doubt millions more will be spent in the effort. It is obvious here that President Obama is not to much concerned about the rising Federal deficit, but in these trying times, he is committed in doing what he can to promote peace in the world. The United States has always been the country to lend its hand, regardless of cost for the sake of peace and freedom throughout the world.
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