Obama picks the first black NASA chief to oversee the Space Agency
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Lately, Obama started a long line of appointments, and a few more on the way. The first one is known, as Obama picked a space shuttle veteran to become the first black NASA chief, and the second will be a Supreme Court Justice, which should be named next week. As head of NASA, Retired Maj. Gen. Charles F. Bolden Jr. will oversee a broad review of agency's ambitions for manned and robotic space exploration. His nomination still must be approved by the Senate, and he has a long resume of military and NASA experience. He serviced as a chief executive of a defense and aerospace consulting firm and briefly worked as an aerospace lobbyist.
So what will his goals with NASA be in the near future? He will be in charge of winding down the very old shuttle program and will work on a goal stated by Obama, sending another man on the moon by 2020. By then, the NASA program will have many moon projects on the agenda, and possibly build a livable housing unit on the moon, along with keeping up with updates of the U.S.space station.
Obama wants to spend money monitoring climate change of the earth from space, but there are many fiscal challenges, as there is only an $18.7 billion budget for year 2010, and that is only up 5% from the previous year.
Why did Obama pick Retired Maj. Gen. Charles F. Bolden Jr. for the job? According to Sen. Bill Nelson,(D-Fla.)"He understands the workings of NASA and the importance of America remaining a leader in science and technology through space exploration." Bill Nelson, and Charles Bolden flew together on the space shuttle Columbia in 1986. Bolden flew 3 more missions later.
He commanded two shuttle missions, the last in 1994, and has more than 680 hours in space. He has served in a variety of other positions at the space agency, including as an assistant deputy administrator.
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