'Waterboarding' - A torture method used by President George Bush
Thursday, December 4, 2008
In a recent report, it has been echoed what President-Elect Obama has been stating during his entire polical campaign. He believes that torture is not humane, and in matter of fact he states "I have said repeatedly that America doesn't torture. I'm going to make sure that we don't torture. Those are part and parcel of an effort to regain America's moral stature in the world."
He also stated in his campaign that he plans to close Guantanamo Bay in Cuba which s a military detention facility.
One of the treatments or can be labeled as torture by the troups under President Bush was the implementation of 'waterboarding'. Granted, it's not a form a torture where you are not trying to burn the person, or cut fingers and toes or tongues like the attrocoties in the past by other countries like Japan and Germany, but in effect the 'waterboarding' practice is harmful if not done right.
So what is waterboarding? First the person to receive the treatment is immobilized lying on his back, with his head slanting lower that his chest. The interrogator then pours water in the face of the person receiving the treatment, and the water will rush into the nose of the prisoner causing him to choke. This can be very painful when trying to breathe with your nose at the same time, causing a feeling of drowning.
In my eyes, regardless of the enemy and what they would do to you if you were captured, I feel that the this type of treatment is wrong. America with it's intelligence should have other more humane capabilites to get prisoners to talk and acquire intelligence from the prisoners than to cause physical pain in this matter.
I can hardly wait to see how Barack Obama as President will react with his method of treating prisoners that we capture under his watch.
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