Pat Quinn predicts Blagojevich to be OUT by February 12, 2009
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Illinois Lieutenant Governor Pat Quinn predicts that Blagojevich will be removed from office by February 12, 2009 if he doesn't resign from office which will be the 200th anniversary of Abraham Lincolns birth. This birthday of Lincoln is special as it is the bicentennial birthday.
Lincoln said at Gettysburg, "We believe in government of the people and by the people and for the people; it shall not perish from this earth". Pat Quinn told CBS News that "the people of Illinois are not getting the government they deserve,"one that President Abraham Lincoln would approve of. The Lieutenant Governor most likely will take over the Governorship and would hold a special election to fill Obama's Senate seat. He also claims that most likely that would not happen now until next June or July. It appears if Quinn's prophecy is correct, that the Senate will be short one of two Illinois Senators until summer. Apparently the Governor is not concerned that this may happen, as he believes that his rule and appointment of Roland Burris will stand, regardless of what the President-Elect wants or what the people of Illinois want.
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