The Necessity of Computer Backups
Thursday, January 14, 2010
In the news just about every other day, you hear about hackers getting into computers that contain highly sensitive material. The U.S. Government led by President Obama, has been leading the way to implement measures on preventing the attacks and do what it takes to keep data safe. So it is done from the highest levels of government, all the way down to the individual PC user. Several companies have opened their services to PC users, so that data can be protected by an online backup. It is not only important to backup your computer because of hackers and on-line viruses, but because PC's will naturally fail over a given period of time. I don't know about you, but what would you do if you lost all of our important files, pictures and documents just because you did not backup your computer data? To most, this may be a hassle, but operating systems like the new Windows 7 provide a way to automatically backup your information. But if you are like me, you may have a terabyte or two of information on your hard drive, and that would require another local hard drive to archive or backup data. It may be costly, but why would anyone leave critical backup information in one place, especially in the same place as the original information. Backing up the information not on site seems the way to go. There are several services that provide the online backup capability, and you just may want to see what they have to offer.
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