Republican Senator Scott Brown swarn in by Vice President Joe Biden
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Well now it is official. The state of Massachusetts now has a Republican U.S. senator, as Scott Brown was sworn in today by the president of the Senate, Vice President Joe Biden. No longer do the Democrats have a super-majority, by loosing the 60th Senate seat. So how does just one seat matter so much. First, it now will be the first time since 1972 when Senator Ted Kennedy became the Senate representative for Massachusetts, that a Republican held the state senate seat. Second, the loss of the super-majority by the Democrats with his election means that Obama will now not have the ability to just push major legislative priorities through Congress such as health care reform without a tuff vote. The Republican opinions and actions now matter. It is the opinion of this editor that there should have never been a thing called a Super-majority in either branch of Congress. When such a thing is in place, it appears as the Democrats has demonstrated the entire first year of Obama's first term that the Republican opinion and vote wouldn't seem to matter. As a Democrat myself, I do believe that it was too convenient for the Democrats to push legislation through the Senate.
Another fear of congressional Democrats is that the win in Massachusetts by Republicans may be only the beginning of a potential GOP landslide in November's midterm elections. If that happens and the Republicans gain an all out majority in the Senate, President Obama may be hard pressed to get any other legislation through congress that bears a liberalistic flavor to it. It in effect can make the President a 'lame duck' President in only his 2nd year of his first term. So it is important for the Democrats to keep the existing seats in the Senate and not loose not even one more seat. But what could happen instead would be the Democrats regain their seat in November. Then it would be super-majority time for the Democrats in the Senate, and President Obama can continue to push through his legislation as desired. Again, I don't believe that is necessarily a good thing, but still is possible down the road.
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