President on Health Care Reform in Cincinnati, Ohio
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Last Tuesday on February 9th, President Obama addressed a group of supporters at the AFL-CIO Labor Day Picnic In Cincinnati, Ohio. In th height of his speech, the President told the crowd that the "Republicans need to put up, or shut up". Since it appears that the Republicans seem to oppose what the President thinks would help this country concerning health care reform, he now invites the Republicans to serve up their solutions to one of the most enduring problems that this country has to face, and that is Health Care Reform.
From now until February 25, the Democratic and Republican leaders have time to gather their thoughts and discuss compromise, but of course the Republicans really do not want to compromise, rather than to start over. Why? Because they want to show the country that the President's ideas regarding health care reform are theirs, not his. They want to dis-credit him for his ideas, then steel them and reinvent them as their own.
The two groups will have time to discuss possible compromises in a half-day, televised gathering on February 25th. Republicans claim that the President is jamming health care reform down their throats, but that may only be because after President Obama courted the ideas to the Republicans without success.
Even though the Senate Proof Filibuster is no more, the President will still eventually sign health care reform into law, as the fact is this is the first time for such a change within health care policies for the last 70 years. It would have been great if the health care reform vote would have taken place before the start of the new year, because in the off election year for a President, the Congress will be deciding it's future by electing Republican and Democratic leaders. The focus is slowly changing away from Health Care Reform, but President Obama is determined to keep his focus on Health Care. Watch the following video and listen to his views.
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