New Allogations again Bush Administration Officials
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Well, here we go again. Ex-Vice President Dick Cheney is back in the news, now being accused of knowing about a secret counter-terrorism program from Congress, but ordered the CIA to withhold this information. As you may think, the story gets thicker by the day, but this is just more proof that the prior administration supported their own in-house form of terrorism against terrorists. The operation is still classified today, but President Obama most likely will become pressured in releasing the information, as the government is not supporting any type of counter-terrorism secret program as of today. But then again, how would I know if the current administration supports it or not.
It is all in a matter of time before President Bush will have to testify to his actions as President of the United States. Others soon that may have to testify would be Dick Cheney, Condolissa Rice, Nancy Pelosi, and others involved in the prior administration.
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