U.S. to Continue to Assist NATO with Air Power for the Next Few Days
Monday, April 4, 2011
It now appears per NATO's request that the United States has agreed to a 48 hour extension of participating in coalition air strikes against known targets in Libya. The main reason for the extension is because some NATO leaders seem to believe that there is a stale-mate going on between Gadhafi and the NATO forces. The U.S. air strikes will be used to further soften Gadhafi. The raids will continue to target Gadhafi's troops and other sights until Tuesday. The United States will use the Air Force AC-130 gunships and A-10 Thunderbolts and The Marine Corps AV-88 Harriers. These aircraft are most accurate and deadly as far a accuracy and effect against targets. It seems that Gadhafi's luck is running low, and he should now be concerned for his own life, as military intelligence of the NATO forces is strong, and the air power is getting closer and closer to Gadhafi himself. As more and more of his own soldiers defect to the rebels, there may be a chance that Gadhafi will decide to step down. But in a statement by Gadhafi almost two weeks ago, he claims that he will fight to the death. Time will tell in this sea-saw battle between the rebels and Moammar Gadhafi.
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