Cancer Caused by Inhaling Asbestos
Friday, April 22, 2011
Obamacare is well under way, but there are still many deseases prevelant that are forms of cancer that people have been unable to unavoid, due conditions in the work place. One such disease canlled Mesothelioma is now considered a well known cancer, but sadly was caused by exposure to asbestos. Most likely you will have received this cancer because of your work environment. For the most part, there is established good treatment, but it must be diagnosed in the early stages for it to be under control. Sometimes the desease presents itself as just a rash, and the deadly nature of this rash goes undetected, until it progresses to a Stage III or Stage IV, where significant medical treatment is necessary to try and control it. The disease may originally show up not in a visual form such as a rash, but you may notice a decreased ability to breath normally. Frequent shortness of breath is a symptom that should not go by unchecked. If you suspect such a condition, it is advised to immediately go and received a physical examination. Hopefully if found in a positive state, the disease can be diagnosed early enough in order to receive a complete prognosis Improper fluid or tumors can be observed through several of the imaging technologies that are available today. In some cases, a biopsy will be taken and sent to a lab for definite analysis.
Now for the good news. Cancers such as mesothelioma have been following a downward trend, mainly because of awareness and the recent availabilty of treating drugs. Cancer death rates continue to decrease because of prevention, early detection and improved treatment. This decline of cancer incidence and a drop in the mortality rate is proof that the public is heeding public health campaigns designed to stop forms of lung cancer and mesothelioma from growing at a rapid rate.
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