Debbie Wasserman Schultz - New DNC Leader - Picked by Obama
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
The Republicans my not know who's yet to run in 2012, but one thing is for sure. President Obama will seek his re-election. Yesterday, on April 5th, 2011, President Obama choose a Congresswoman from South Florida by the name of Debbie Wasserman Schultz. She is a four term lawmaker who will be replacing Tim Kaine, who is now seeking a Senate seat in Virginia.She most likely will take the so-called Republican candidates for President very seriously, and is expected to highly criticize them before and during the major elections. Members of the Democratic National Committee still have to ratify her selection, but with her strong support from President Obama, it is highly unlikely that the members of the DNC would not ratify her. You most likely will hear and read allot about her up through the Presidential election.
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