Obama votes absentee
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
CNN White House Producer Shawna Shepherd |
Washington (CNN) – President Obama filled out his absentee ballot for the midterm election in Illinois from the White House West Wing, according to White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs.
Gibbs said he voted for Democratic candidate Alexi Giannoulias, who is in a tough race against Republican Mark Kirk for the president's former Senate seat. He said the president also voted for Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn who is up for re-election."I know who he voted for for Governor and Senate in Illinois – the two Democratic candidates who I believe will win," Gibbs said.
Obama made two trips to Chicago this year to raise money for Giannoulias, and first lady Michelle Obama recently campaigned for him. On Saturday, the president will headline a rally in Chicago as part of a multi-state push for Democrats leading up to the Nov. 2 election.
The first lady took advantage of her home state's early voting and cast her vote when she stopped in Chicago during a Midwestern campaign swing two weeks ago.
BARACK OBAMA is a great person
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