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Obama's first 200 Days as President - His achievements - CNN Poll Taken

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Today marks the 200th day in office for President Obama. He has been to say the least a very busy president, definitely earning his salary. President Barack Obama, like Bush, will be paid $400,000 in monthly installments, and an expense allowance of $50,000 to help defray official expenses. Other perks include the White House, a large staff team, an airplane and an entertainment allowance.
So in a nutshell, what has he accomplished in these first 200 days? To sum it up briefly,

Concerning U.S. policy:

 He signed 21 executive orders, including banning waterboard interrogation, closing the Guantanamo Bay detention facility, and establishing the Office of Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships. He signed 42 bills into law, most notably the $787 billion stimulus package. He visited 18 states ( Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Maryland, Michigan, Missouri, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Virginia, Wisconsin)

Concerning Foreign policy:

 He traveled to 14 countries. (Canada, Czech Republic, Egypt, France, Germany, Ghana, Iraq, Italy, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Trinidad, Turkey, United Kingdom)
 He met with 39 heads of government. (Afghanistan, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Colombia, Czech Republic, Egypt, Estonia, France, Germany, Ghana, Greece, India, Iraq, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kuwait, Mexico, Netherlands, Pakistan, Palestinian Authority, Philippines, Poland, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Tanzania, Trinidad, Turkey, United Kingdom, Vatican, Venezuela (not a formal meeting), Zimbabwe)

Concerning Politics:

 He headlines 12 political fundraisers, raising a total of at least $16.3 million. He held four prime time press conferences. and he delivered one nationally televised prime time address.
Two other things that can be also considered as delivered in his first 200 days is the appointment of Sonia Sotomayor, who becomes the nation's first Hispanic Supreme Court Justice, and that will happen today August 8, 2009 on his 200th day in office. A policy that he was unsuccessful in passing during his first 200 days and almost made it by the skin of his teeth was the passing of a health care reform bill. Most likely the new health care legislation will be signed into law before the end of 2009, way before his campaign deadline date of 2012, before re-election day.

It is without a doubt compared to President Bush, his concerns during his first 200 days have been global. No suprising, his Secretary of State performed the best during this time, as a national CNN poll was taken, concerning President Obama, along with people and issues around him.
CNN sponsored what was called the 'National Report Card: Second 100 Days', and here are the results in this poll which I also participated in.
                                                                                                                     Editor      CNN Poll

Q1. Grade the Obama Administration's handling of the economy                  -   Grade B      C-
Q2. Grade the Obama Administration's handling of health care reform       -   Grade C+     D
Q3. Grade the Obama Administration's handling of foreign affairs               -   Grade B       C
Q4. Grade the performance of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton                   -  Grade C       C+
Q5. Grade Vice President Joe Biden                                                                -  Grade C       C-
Q6. Grade the performance of YOUR state's two senators                             -  Grade C-      C-
Q7. Grade the performance of the Congress                                                     -  Grade C-      D
Q8. Grade the performance of the Republican Leadership in Congress         -  Grade F        D
Q9. Grade the performance of the media                                                            -  Grade B+     D   
Q10.Grade President Barack Obama                                                                  -  Grade B      C-

As noted, the CNN poll in all areas except 2 were worse than I personally believe. The poll gave Hillary Clinton a slightly higher grade than I did. I also was in agreement with the CNN Poll regarding my state's senators. On all other polls, CNN results were lower. The poll was very interesting, but also note that the most people voted on question 10, obviously interested in grading Barack Obama himself, and there were over 334 thousand votes cast. The least number of people voted for how the President is handling foreign affairs, only 275 thousand people. Also noted, this is the second time that CNN took this poll. It was given at the 100 day mark of President Obama's presidency, and it should be noted that the numbers were allot higher in almost every catagory which was to be expected. Yes, President Obama's honeymoon is definitely over as President of the United States.


Haedir 'sisi' August 8, 2009 at 2:42 PM  

nice blog :)

Morika 金玲 August 8, 2009 at 5:23 PM  

I am hoping US is even better then now. Send my best regards from home to home to you and obama james...

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