President Obama Addressing a Woman's political forum at the White House
Saturday, April 7, 2012
As everyone is aware, the race to win the White House is now front and center in just about every news media around the country, from the conservative base trying to push President Obama out of the White House, to the Liberal base who back the President of the United States in his fight to stay in the White House.
It appears that President Obama will not have such a difficult time staying in the White House after all. In matter of fact, I will go out on a limb here and already claim his victory for re-election. Why? All you have to do is listen to the Republicans running for the highest office in the land. Rick Santorum is so radical in his thoughts, along with his rival for the Republican nomination, Mitt Romney, not even to mention that Newt Gingrich wants to spend money to build cities on the moon that President Obama seems to be having an easy time with counter-acting just about every statement made on the Conservative trail for President. Both of the Republican candidates are truly out of touch with the issues. Yesterday, President Obama addressed a political woman’s forum at the White House, and he outlined what the conservative party wanted to do for woman’s rights, and a woman’s ability to continue to be provided the heath care they need if the other party wins the election. The President immediately makes known that if the Republican party is elected this year, that Republican policies would reverse the progress that his administration has made for the last 3+ years, and that includes woman’s issues.
The very first bill that President Obama signed into law when he became President was a bill called the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009, that expanded government loans for small businesses run by women to increase Pell grants for female college students. In the following video, watch how President Obama explains to his audience, who happen to be mostly women at this forum, what they stand to loose in benefits and freedom if health care reform is repealed, or if ‘Planned Parenthood’ no longer exists, a goal of the Republican party, which could be a possibility if he is not re-elected for President this year.
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