President Obama to make it official on May 5th
Thursday, April 26, 2012
The President who is running for his second term in the White House will make it official on May 5th. On that day, he has two rallies scheduled with his First Lady Michelle. First, he will travel to Ohio and speak at Ohio State University in Columbus, and then will move on to Virginia, where he will speak at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond later in the day.
Barack Obama has listened to his competetors for over a year now, and has continued to hear rants from the soon to be Republican nominee Mitt Romney, but now it's President Obama's time. He is going to lay out his vision and begin his campaign in these two states as he believes that they will be critical in November. During the present time as Mitt Romney hasn't received flack back from the President, those times are just about over. The President will hit the campaign hard, in an effort to win over the American people, but with Mitt Romney's record, I don't believe that it will be too difficult.
The main item on the Mitt Romney agenda will be to highlight how President Obama has failed the country concerning the economy. The President is looking forward to debating Mitt Romney and denouncing everything Mitt Romney claims about how he (the President) has failed the country.
President Obama should begin a slow tearing apart of Mitt Romney's record, especially talk about his term as Governor of Massachusetts. Romney failed to mention anything about his records as Governor, during which was believed to be one of his best speeches ever, after winning the latest 5 states up for grabs in the primary according to Democratic and Republican commentators alike. Mitt did claim that his is capable of turning the economy around, but what I see is that he just doesn't get it, as the economy is already turned around and going in the right direction. ALL numbers reflect this. One thing that Mitt needs to do is to find his running mate for Vice President a.s.a.p. Normally, nominees find a running mate just before their respective conventions, but this year I don't believe that Mitt Romney has that luxury, as he needs every punch he can muster up in order to beat Barack Obama.
The way things are going now, it should be a clean sweep of states for Barack Obama in November and a very good chance that he will gain back a Democratic majority in the House. After Barack's second term, I'm now looking forward to 2016, when I fully expect that Hilary Clinton will then run for President.
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