Romney Expects Outward Support from Rick Santorum
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
It looks as if Mitt Romney expects some miricles to happen. He is already claiming that soon he expects to have Rick Santorum campaign with him. That would be nice for Mitt Romney, but he must have already forgotten that Rick Santorum slammed him pretty well on his heath car laws that he passed in Massachusetts when he was governor. Newt Gingrich already has pretty much said that he will support any candidate that will become the nominee, in a joint effort to beat President Barrack Obama in November.
The Republican base is not so enthusiastic in supporting Mitt Romney right now. They feel that they are now pushed in a corner and now must support Mitt Romney, even though they do not feel that he is truly a conservative candidate. Newt Gingrich also has stated publicly that he is the only true conservative in the race now, next to Rick Santorum, who has dropped out just yesterday.
So where does Mitt Romney begin to gather his base of supporters, and at the same time, fend off President Obama who will now be attacking him from every corner. The flip-floppy side of Mitt Romney is about to get a new life, thanks to the continued efforts of Barack Obama, who will paint him as a flip-flopper in just about everything you can think of.
Through the efforts of Romney's opponents for the Republican nomination, President Obama now has the ammunition that he needs to confront Mitt Romney and let's just see how well he stands up. This time, all the money in the world will not really help him, as President Obama is now also receiving help with SuperPAC money to help his efforts for re-election.
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