Apple IPhone5 - Arrives October 4th - Will it Be Worth It?
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Another IPhone, will be on the market on Oct. 4th, known as IPhone 5. It seems like yesterday that Apple came out with the original model, but now they have 5 versions of it. For the Iphone 4, many believed that it came out too early, as there were too many problems with it. Still, many people bought the product. I believe that the prospective purchasers will be less likely to throw money out for the new Iphone now when there are so many new phones out there, for example the Windows phone and the Android. The Android appears to be the most powerful phone on the market, as it acts like a computer storage device and runs many programs that the Iphone will not.
Only time will tell, in about one week of waiting just to see what the new phone can actually do. Will it continue to have the reception/antenna issue as the Iphone4? Most likely not, but two things may happen for sure. It most likely will be the most powerful Iphone to be developed, and the cost is likely to go up from the standard starting price.
Will the same number or more people continue to support and purchase the Iphone5? Unless Apple comes up with some new gimic that people feel that they need to purchase, then the IPhone5 may turn out to just be a flop.
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