Republicans Continue to Falter - Ryan Medicare Bill Axed
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
More bad news for the Republicans on two fronts. The first one, which was expected even before the Democrats regained a House seat last night, the Senate was forced to vote on the Ryan medicare bill that included a controversial provision to overhaul Medicare. The Senate rejected the budget measure containing Medicare overhaul.
What does this mean? First, it looks as if the Ryan medicare plan will NEVER become law. Senators overwhelmingly voted to oppose the plan by a vote of 57-40, which also included votes from some Republican representatives in the House. Now, all of the Republican candidates that want to represent the party in 2012 are looking for ways to distance themselves from the Ryan plan, and deservedly so. Whoever keeps supporting the plan, will end up just like Jane Corwin of New York who lost a House seat that was held by a Republican for many many years. The Republicans need to change gears and do it fast. They need a new forum to base themselves in or the Republican party will loose its definition of conservatism. But if I'm right, they will not do any such thing. Instead, they will continue to support the failed plan.
The second front, centered around a possible candidate for President Mitt Romney, seems to be another flip-flop story centered around the banks and the auto industry. Originally, Mitt Romney did not support the bank bailouts and the loans provided by President Obama to the auto industry. He openly said for the record in November 2008 that President Obama was wrong for doing these things. Now, since the banks are recovering, and the auto industry is back on track, and now, he is claiming the credit for it. But what he forgot is that what he said in the past is on tape. TV commentators such as Chris Mathews have called him up on it. This story may just be enough to scare Mitt Romney from the race.
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