A Federal Judge Rules ObamaCare as Unconstitutional - Supreme Court to Make a Decision
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Here we go. It looks as if the health care reform law has been challenged successfully, as a federal judge ruled on Monday that the health care law is unconstitutional. Next... The Supreme Court will eventually make a decision on President Obama's Health Care Reform Law. At the present time, the Supreme court contains an even number of Republicans and Democrats. So what does this mean? Now, there is absolutely a great chance that the Obama Health Care law will be repealed. Why? Because of one Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, who is considered by most as the swing vote. He was appointed to the Supreme Court by Ronald Reagan in 1988. Kennedy is often considered the swing vote on many of the Court's politically charged 5-4 decisions, although he reaches conservative results more often than not.
If the health care law is repealed, it would mean disaster to many citizens that now can receive benefits because of the new law that could not before. If it does happen, the insurance companies would be free to raise their rates, or provide their own designed coverage. To actually fully repeal the new health care reform law after this point in time, it would cost the government more money. At the present time, the longer President Obama's health care bill is in force, the more people agree to it. When the U.S. Supreme Court decides to vote on the new Health Care Law, another report will be forthcoming.
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