President Obama Considers Military Options against Iran
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Iran now has the full attention of President Obama, as military plans are going into place to strike Iran's nuclear sites, and the U.S. Central Command are preparing options for the President just in case he decides to take action.
In the meantime, the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad keeps making threating remarks to the rest of the world, especially against the United States, as he claims that his country is so powerful that there is no country in the world that would even consider to attack it. As the Iranian President said "Iran's army is so mighty today that no enemy can have a foul thought of invading Iran's territory."
The Iranian President was not invited to the Nuclear Summit held in Washington last week, and he was outraged because President Obama did not invite him. The U.N. Security Council most likely will be slapping Iran with more and more sanctions because the country continues to enhance their nuclear ambitions. As other countries have claimed in the past, Iran claims that their intentions for a nuclear program are for civilian purposes. If plans are to mount a military strike against Iran, most likely it would be done in a very deliberate and calculated manner.
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