Health Care Bill now law - President Obama still must sell it to the American People
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Trying to win people to support legislation such as the health care bill without bi-partisan support can be a career killer, especially for President Obama. But he deeply believes that what the bill represents is the change that is needed in health care reform. He is willing to sacrifice a second term in office than to try and play things safe, in comparison to George Bush. Mr. Bush's domestic agenda was no where as strong as President Obama's. President Obama has only been in office for nearly 2 years. It seems sometimes that the harder he tries to do what he believes is right, the harder it is to get things done. Sometimes going with the status quo is not the answer. Most American people believe that they know what is right for them, but if you would listen to any one of them, their opinions are different. They can all make the general statement that President Obama's health care reform bill will not work, but you can't say that if you haven't given the bill a chance to take hold.
President Obama is smarter than most peole think. He will work on pulling support for his bill until the end. In the midst of his travels, parts of the bill will be phased in, and more and more people will be able to see the benefits. He is banking his future on his sincere belief that what he is doing is right for everyone.
The main issues with what I see about the bill is that the President wants all Americans to have insurance, and if they do not participate in a plan that they qualify for, then they must be fined for not participating. Most Americans will agree that it is against our Constitutional right to be forced to participate in health care or anything for that matter, and there will be a long hard legal fight to repeal the law. I highly doubt that the opposition of the bill can have the law repealed. If that is done, President Obama just wasted a year in office with sleepless nights trying to find ways to make his bill happen. Instead, now he will fight sleepless nights traveling around the country in support for his bill.
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