Reader Comment on Heath Care Bill - THANKS CHRIS
Saturday, March 27, 2010
The following is a comment on the article 'Penalties That Will Exist if you DO NOT CARRY Health Insurance'. Comments that are written with conviction and thought as the one below can and will be published with the writers consent. Not all comments will be published. If you feel you would like to give writing a try, please also send your text to for consideration. Here is the comment written by a reader named Chris.
While this bill (now law) did not have bi-partisan support it did have bi-partisan content. Republicans have some changes that they wanted in it. The President said from the beginning (a year ago) that he welcomed the republican suggestions and the ones who had real suggestions saw those ideas realized. They just couldn't go against the party, could they? While some might feel that the penalties are unconstitutional, I cannot comment on that. I can say that it is not without precedent. Look what has happened with auto insurance. The law requires fines if you are pulled over without it. Where's the unconstitutional outcry over that? Then today you have the republicans trying to put amendments into the bill that prevent sex offenders from getting viagra. Are you serious? How about the cries that medicare will be stripped of its money. Wait, are we talking about a government run health plan? People care about that supposedly. By the way, the only ones that would see a negative change from the law would be people using medicare advantage plans. Most would see added benefits such as yearly physicals and preventative visits without having to pay a copay. While I'm skeptical that the government can find all the money it claims it can I do say that if more people are using health benefits how is that not a bad thing? It provides people with health care and provides more jobs in that sector. That's what we're trying to do anyways, right?
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