Obama and the Economy
Monday, November 17, 2008
Barack Obama plans to tackle first hand what is hitting us in the face. That would most definitely be the failing economy. He know's that before things get better, that most of the time things must get worse. So he is prepared the spend money to better the economy. That would mean that the national deficit will continue to grow. He is convinced that we must take the steps to turn the economic crisis around. The most important thing is that steps are taken do avoid a deeping recession. Consumer confidence and regulation of the financial market is extremely important. So right off the bat, he plans on passing an economic stimulus pachage. He's very well aware that if the auto industry failed, that it would be desaster. He want to do what must be done to protect the auto industry.
President Bush is trying to pass a bill that would provide emergency loans to the auto industry using the Treasury departments $700 billion dollar fund. But he is getting harsh opposition from his own Republican party in the Senate. Being a lame duck President, it is clear that not many bills will get passed, but the President seems to be trying to do everything that must be done.
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