Mitt Romney's Possible Running Mates
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Mitt Romney has a problem with his own camp at the moment. He still hasn't decided who should be his running mate. Why is that so? Every candidate for the VP position seems to have so much baggage that could even hurt Romney in the elections. Romney has one of the tuffest roads ever to the White House because of his flip-flop record. But for him to truly run, Romney has to select a running mate. Here is a list of all who may be or was considered for the VP slot.
Kelly Ayotte
Jebb Bush
Chris Christie
Mitch Daniels
Mary Fallin
Nikki Haley
Bobby Jindal
Susana Martinez
Bob McConnell
Rand Paul
Tim Pawlenty
Rob Portman
Condolizza Rice
Marco Arubio
Paul Ryan
Rick Santorum
Brian Sandoval
John Thune
Pat Toomey
the Mittster needs to make a decision and soon. President Obama is now out on the campaign trail, and his is pushing hard with his campaign strategies. Mitt Romney the support to beat Obama. In order to have any chance of winning, he needs to select a running mate immediately. In my opinion, the two people that would best serve him would be Chris Christie and Condolizza Rice. My hopes are that he will choose a man called Paul Ryan, a sure killer for Republican Party, as he authored legislation to stop Medicare as we know it today.
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