Ten Letters - The Stories Americans Tell Their President
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Have you ever wondered if the President ever reads his mail that he receives every day. The answer is yes. With his busy schedule, it is impossible to read every letter that he receives, nor the email that is sent to him. On such one occasion witnessed by the video below, President Obama received and email from someone, and then President Obama answers his concern. As far as letters are concerned, the mail room within the White House receives literally thousands and thousands of letters each day, and 10 are chosen by the mail room to deliver to the President's desk. Some of the senders have gone that extra step, as they install their letter in a bright colored envelope, hoping that their letter gets chosen. What most people don't know is that President Obama takes time out every single day and stops for a while and actually reads these letters and responds accordingly. In the one demonstrated below, President Obama responded in a hand written letter.
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