Less than 2 Days to Go for Mid-Term Elections - Congress up for grabs
Monday, November 1, 2010
Less than 48 hours until Mid-Term elections and now Democrats believe that they will have better than expected result, while the Republicans are trying not to sound so overconfident. Polls show Republican gains, but early voting show that the Democrats are receiving surprising support. The facts are that the Republicans should gain seats in both chambers of Congress, but will it be enough to gain the majority in either House of Congress. This idea is reflected by Republican Senator John Cornyn who claims that it is possible that the Republicans would not gain majority this time around in mid term elections, but surely would gain control of Congress in both chambers when a Republican takes over as President. But in another view, former Reagan Education Secretary by the name of William Bennett, predicts a win in both chambers, by gaining 70 more house seats and 10 Senate seats, which would put the Republicans on-top in both chambers.
In the end, in 2008, the Republicans learned a hard lesson, loosing the Presidency, and loosing majorities in Congress. In just 2 years, the Democrats may experience the same thing. But in the next two years, the public may gain more confidence in the President and may see that patience is key to seeing the economy turn around, along with the jobs market situation.
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