President Obama signes a hate crime bill into Law
Thursday, October 29, 2009
On Wednesday, President Obama signed a bill into law that will mean tougher punishments if you assult somebody just because of his sexual orientation or gender identity. For example, if you dislike a particular person because he is gay, then decide to administer bodily harm to that person, it is now a federal crime to do so. Known as the federal hate crimes law, named after a gay Wyoming teenager who died after being kidnapped and severly beaten in October 1998 named Matthew Shepard, very stiff penalties will now exist if you decide to exibit such behavior over another person.
Guess who was against any such measure that is now law? Who else but the infamous prior President George Bush. He threatened to veto any such measure, but Obama brought a reversal of that policy to the White House. Basically, the prior President was afraid to make enemies, and always seemed to take an easier road to tackle tuff issues. President Obama on the other hand is not a President that is trying to please everybody. Instead, he tackles the tougher issues and is willing to sacrifice his future as a 2 term President, by going out of his way to do things as he believes them to be true and beneficial to the country. The signing of this bill is just another example as to why this President has already won the Nobel Peace Prize in less than his first year in office.
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