Obama's tribute to 9/11 victims
Friday, September 11, 2009

US President Barack Obama today paid tribute to the victims of the horror attacks on the twin towers on September 11 2001.
Nearly 3,000 people died in the terrible attacks eight years ago when terrorists hijacked four planes and crashed them in New York, at the Pentagon and in a Pennsylvanian field.
Speaking on a rain soaked day at the Pentagon, Mr Obama said today : "On this solemn day, at this sacred hour, once more we pause, once more we pray, as a nation and a people."
He also vowed to "never falter" in the pursuit of al-Qaeda.
Thousands gathered for ceremonies around New York's Ground Zero, as remembrance services were held around America.
Vice-President Joe Biden attended the New York ceremony, at the site where two planes crashed into the World Trade Center towers, causing them to collapse.
Volunteers who helped after the attacks joined family members reading the names of more than 2,700 of the victims.
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