Options for Insurance besides Obamacare.gov
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
President Obama may be caught in more crossfire from the Republicans, as it has just been made known by CNN White House Producer Kevin Leptak that even if the fix of the website is successful by November 30th, there still would be approximately 20% of people that would need to enroll in Obamacare by other means.
Failsafe measures have been put in place to assist people with registering, even if the website does not work. The laws of the heath care bill are in many senses so complicated, that it is impossible to do every transaction on-line. Here are a few examples....
1) Persons having health or financial situations that are too complex for the website.
2) People unwilling to make such a transaction on-line via computer, i.e. people not willing to share credit card information over a computer
3) Those stymied by healthcare.gov technical problems.
So what would their options be if they couldn't use the Obamacare website? First, there are call centers and health care exchanges that will discuss personally one-on-one with you, your options along with costs that go with the options you choose. You can ask questions on-line and receive answers by email, or correspond with a representative directly via email or phone on a particular medical condition that you are not certain Obamacare would cover.
Low income applicants can also receive a subsidy to help cover the cost of their insurance plan under the Affordable Care Act. There are certain qualifications that must be met to receive the subsidies. Regardless, the idea here is for all to have insurance, and at the moment, issues are being worked out so that eventually everyone will be covered under a plan that they can afford. The burden of not having insurance coverage hopefully will be a thing of the past.
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