John McCain's Response to President Obama's Speech on Libya
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
There were several comments made by Senators, both from the Democratic and Republican sides of the isle. In a recent interview of John McCain (Republican Senator from Arizona), he stated that he agreed with President Obama for the most part, especially in the first half of his speech about Libya, as it was aired last evening on 3/28/2011. But then he says that he also believed that when President Obama stated that NOT taking out Gadhafi's regime by force would be a mistake and that it sent a wront message to the dictator. He claims that this message was telling the dictator that he wasn't going to be directly attacked by the United States, and that the messsage President Obama was giving him was that his own people were going to overthrough him. According to McCain, this is definitely the wrong approach. But if you listened to President Obama's speech on Libya, he stated that if he wanted to go directly after the dictator himself, he would have to put troops on the ground to seek out the dictator, and he promised the American people that he would not put soldiers on the ground in Libya. His reasoning was what happened so far in Iraq and Afghanistan. President Obama believes that the war in Libya is not like the other two wars that the United States and NATO are involved in. The President believes that this is the best way to go, which is not to get American ground troops involved and that the Libyans themselves will over-through Gadhafi, or he will eventually consede and step down from power.
Regardless of what is right here, the dictator Gadhafi has been in power over 40 years now. If he was killed for example, will the Libyan's have what it takes to move to a controlled Democracy? Has there been any names that may take leadership in Libya? Those are the questions that need to be answered now, but I do not believe that anyone is looking that far ahead.
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