Saturday, June 26, 2010
Over the past week, I've been tracking a tropical storm that was not too organized in the Eastern Carribean. As most people know, this is the time of the year for tropical storms to form, and when conditions are right, can sometimes turn into strong storms known as hurricanes. There is one such storm now that will be entering the Gulf of Mexico soon. This is kind of bad news for the folks that live down along the coast line, especially since these people have been so overwhelmed about oil entering the Gulf from a broken line at the bottom of the Gulf owned by BP. The good news is that now it seems as if the storm may track to the West NorthWest, bringing it on land on the west side of the Gulf. This may be bad news for residents along the Gulf coast from Corpus Christi Texas and further west.
If you are interested in following tropical weather conditions as I do, and would like to be kept up to date on what is happening now, anywhere in the world concerning tropical weather, then you may want to visit MY NEWEST BLOG, called Hurricane Prevention, and get all the information you would need to keep up to the happenings of a present storm.
Presently, the tropical storm we are concerned about is Tropical Storm ALEX. It is the first tropcial storm designated with a name for the 2010 Hurricane Season, and unfortunately, there are new weather patterns developing off the coast of Africa at this time that most likely will track in our direction.
I invite all readers of this blog to stop by and visit the new weather blog.. If you have any comments regarding the new blog, you can drop me a note directly at, and I will definitely review it and take your concerns into consideration. Also, there is a CBOX located on the left edge of the blog for you to leave instant comments if you like. If you own your own blog, I'll add your link if you ask
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