The Gulf situation affecting President Obama
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
The President of the United States now has more issues to deal with, ones that he happily wanted on his plate, but he or no one else could ever predict that he would have the oil disaster in the Gulf on his plate. He did not realize that such a disaster could ever effect his popularity and his chances to effect his re-election. I don't think so, but this IS truly a fact. The country is judging the President on his reaction or what some call the lack of reaction for the disaster in the Gulf. Some say his response is a day late and a dollar short. People believe that he is not doing enough. Obviously the President is frustrated, because he feels that he already had so many problems to deal with and this type of situation is taking time away from his efforts to solve other problems that the country is facing. Last night, the Republican primaries took place and the Democrats will definitely have allot of competion with Senate seats this fall. Most likely, the Democrats can loose the majority in the House and the Senate, so it is extremely important now that the Democrats come together and fight this unrelenting momentum of attacks that are generation from the Republican side. Two years ago when this blog was created, I would have laughed if someone told me that President Obama had a chance of loosing re-election, but now this possiblity is fact. The President's popularity is plummeting, but people must realize that he still IS the President of the United States, at least for the next two years. I truly expect to see more vetoes for the next two years, especially if the Congress becomes Republican controlled.
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