ObamaCare Enrollment Ends on March 31, 2014
Sunday, March 16, 2014
The enrollment plan ends on March 31st for those interested in signing up for 'Obamacare'. To date, 4.2 million people have signed up. The administration predicted that approximately 7 million people would sign up. Some believe that the President has procrastinated in putting out the word that the deadline is just around the corner.
One of the groups not engaged as they should are the Mellineals (people born between 1980 to 2000) and the Latino population. President Obama will be out in a campaign like run in order to bring up attention of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), whose sign up period has just two weeks to go. What is being seen the the Obamacare website (www.healthcare.org) is that there has been increased activity that is expected as the deadline approaches. What is noticed is that the site does seem to be handling the increased traffic. But the issue is that there may not be enough of young people to sign up to help afford the plan to protect older people who most likely will be using coverage on a more regular basis.
Still, it is not to late to sign up, and there may be another deadline delay, if President Obama believes that it is necessary to extend the deadline to help avoid penalties for not signing up if you do not have insurance.
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