White House Controversies Scrutinized by the Conservative Base
Saturday, May 18, 2013
The Republican base including 'tea party' supporters seem to be digging in to all of the controversies that are facing the President. At the same time, the Presidents Chief-of-Staff, "Dennis McDonough is telling the White House staff to devote no more than 10% of their time to the controversies involving the Internal Revenue Service, the Justice Department and the terror attack in Benghazi, Libya, a Democrat aware of McDonough's instructions confirmed to CNN," as presented on 'Political Tracker' under 'Politic's on the CNN webpage.
Clearly, the present times are some of the most trying times in the Obama Presidency, but the President realizes that he 'must stay in his game' and not let any single problem or a variety of them to affect his ability to govern within the Executive branch as the 'PONTUS'.
Endless criticism seems to be coming from the Republican party, and a few prominent Republicans have called for the impeachment of President Obama. Some from the conservative base are even calling the present situation in Washington even more serious than 'Watergate'. They are also pushing high awareness on the present issues in an attempt to tie up the news with reports that they want to control, again with the ultimate goal of not allowing the President to promote his plan of running the Executive Branch of government.
President Obama was not born yesterday, nor is he new to the office as President of the United States. In case his Republican critics forgot, the President was re-elected to his second term, and has 3 years to go. The President plans on turning up awareness centered around issues of the economy and gun control. In the meantime, the President will also take time out from his job as President by playing a round of golf as he has done today.
Of course, the right wing conservative base will criticize the President endlessly in the coming weeks just has they have done during his entire Presidency to date. Talk show hosts like Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin will no doubt have their broadcasts full of the White House controversies, along with the President deciding to take off to play golf during these trying times at the White House.
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