Heath Care Law being Voted On by The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
President Obama's most championed bill will be in the hands of the U.S. Supreme Court as on Thrusday they will rule on the constitutioality of the law. The decision will have an immediate and long-term impact on all Americans. It will affect how you get medicine and your health care. The drama cannot be overstated. It is the most difficult case that the Supreme Court justices have to rule on. The fate of health care is literally in their hands. The bill is most championed by President Barack Obama. It is the culmination of 3 days of hearings that the Supreme Court heard back in March concering the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. The Act was supported by the Democrats and overwhelmingly opposed by the Republicans. The challenge focused primarily on the law's requirement that most Americans buy health insurance or pay a fine. The mandate that requires people to purchase health insurance is the primary concern of both the supporters and detractors of the law. It was designed to reduce health care costs, expand coverage and protect consumers.
A wide range of reforms will take place if the law stands, one of which will ban insurance companies from providing coverages to pre-existing conditions. The law will also not allow insurance companies from setting a dollar limit on health insurance payoffs. There will be no additional cost for preventative care.
With the law, people are required to buy health insurance either from their employers or a state-sponsored exchange. If you do not purchase insurance, you will face a fine starting in 2014. It requires that healthy people still pay in their plans even when healthy so that contribute in their plans whether they are healthy or not.
Presently, there are 26 states lead by Florida that claim that they cannot be inforced to buy health insurance, as some may feel that they neither want or need it.
Most polls show that a majority oppose the health care reform law, and some people have no opinion. In a march CNN/ORC poll, 76% of the people say that not passing the law by the Supreme court will not have an effect on who they vote for President in November.
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