General Petraeus CONFIRMED - New General in Afghanistan and Iraq
Friday, July 2, 2010
In an unanimous vote, the House and Senate confirmed General Petraeus to become the acting general in the Mideast War conflicts. Yes, the vote was unanimous. That means that every Senator, Democratic and Republican, agreed that General Petraeus was the right person for the job. He replaces General Stanley McChrystal as the commanding officer in the war. He takes command of the U.S. occupational forces in Afghanistan, along with other troops scattered all throughout the continent. It's been nine years now since the twin towers crumbled because of a terrorist attack by Osama bin Laden and his mercenaries. The United States is tired of this war, but most everyone acknowledges that the war must go on until the goal has been succeeded. If not, the last 9 years would have been in vain. So what does this mean? President Obama claims that his goal is to remove the troops from Afghanistan and Iraq sometime in 2011. That may be a goal that will be hard to achieve, but nevertheless, the plan sends a clear signal to the governments of Afghanistan and Iraq that they must learn how to curtail the terrorist activities in their own countries very soon.
On the home front, the Democrats are obviously always behind the President. On the other front, the Republicans are not on board with the President in regards to his planning to remove U.S. troops in 2011. It is my belief that the President will not leave the country prematurely regardless of what the Republican leadership claims. If the President was to do that, it most likely would be political suicide. The Republican President George Bush pushed the United States into the Middle East war. Now he gets to sit back and watch President Obama struggle with the war on terrorism that he (George Bush) obviously started.
In the meantime it looks as if the war in Afghanistan and Iraq did not miss a beat.
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