Mitt Romney Claims Obama is an "ineffective" President - Plans to Announce his Run for President this Week
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Governor Mitt Romney is starting to speak up and attack President Obama, calling him "one of the most ineffective presidents" he's ever seen. He also claims that he can beat him in 2012. What he is saying is that a conservative President would be more effective. How effective was George W. Bush? Not too effective, as he started the mess President Obama inherited. Why, because most Republican presidents, conservative in their own rite, do much less than liberal or Democratic Presidents. So what planet is Mitt Romney coming from.
Yes, President Obama has been so ineffective, as he managed to change health care. and kill Osama bin Laden. His counterpart George W. Bush didn't catch bin Laden during his two full terms as President. Maybe Mitt Romney forgets how he tells everyone how effective he was in Massachusetts as Governor when he passed Romney Care. Romney claims that President Obama made things worse after inheriting the country's problems from Bush. He claims that the recession is now worse. How's that? People are going to work. Stock markets are rising, but what Romney fails to see is that it is the GOP congressmen in the House that are holding back progress. If the Democrats or the President are for something, the Republicans or Republican controlled House seem to be automatically against it. The House passes their bill through threats to the citizens of the United States. Proof of this as just today, the House voted down the debt-limit increase. What does that do? It now limits things that the Government can do, as the treasury secretary now claims that the government can run up to August without a debt limit increase. If not, the country will see serious consequences, and most likely would throw the stocks into a tailspin. The inaction of the House is responsible for doing nothing, not President Obama. Their inaction will cause much damage to the country. Mitt Romney is sadly mistaken. If he runs, he will not be able to beat President Obama, or at least not as easily as he may think.
Mitt Romney plans to announce his run for the Presidency this week, and also claims that his Mormon faith will not be an obstacle to winning the GOP presidential nomination to run against Obama next year. Romney is right. Maybe not his faith, but he will have formidable opponents from his own party that will rip him apart. He didn't stand a chance against Huckabee in 2008, but maybe with all of the money he has and will use to promote his campaign will be enough to get him into the race against Obama.
Mitt Romney is not even formally in the race yet, and he is already attacking President Obama. Instead of being on the attack right now, I believe what he needs to do is the promote his policies and beliefs and promote conservative principles, and reasons why he should be elected. He seems to forget. President Obama is already in the drivers seat. Mitt Romney says that "we're electing a commander in chief", but again, he fails to realize President Obama already is the commander in chief.
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